Pomarine Skua/Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus, Nanhui, Shanghai, 20 Oct. 2016.

Shanghai-area Bird Sightings

This page shows extraordinary bird sightings in Shanghai from 2014 to 2017. This page no longer is being updated.

The photo above shows Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus, a bird that electrified Shanghai when it appeared in the city in October 2016.

Sites: Binhai Forest Park, Binjiang Forest Park, Century Park, Chongming, Dongtai, Gongqing Forest Park, Hengsha, Lesser Yangshan, Cape Nanhui, Pudong Airport Sod Farm, Sijiao Island, West Tianmu Mountain, Wusong Paotaiwan Park, Yancheng, Yangkou, Yangpu Park, Zhongshan Park

Observers: AJ – Archie Jiang; AL – Andy Lee; CB – Craig Brelsford; ED – Elaine Du; KP – Kai Pflug; KY – Komatsu Yasuhiko; LC – Larry Chen; MG – Michael Grunwell; SP – Stephan Popp; XP – Xueping Popp

9 September 2017

Brown-chested Jungle Flycatcher and Fairy Pitta at Cape Nanhui (KP).

26 Aug.-8 Sept. 2017

As summer melts into fall, Pudong’s Cape Nanhui continues to prove to be one of the best birding locations in China. In the period 26 Aug. to 8 Sept. 2017, Craig Brelsford birded four days at the most southeasterly point of Shanghai, as well as at other key locations in Earth’s Greatest City. 106 species were noted.

Highlights were Brown-chested Jungle Flycatcher at Microforest 1, beautiful white-morph Amur Paradise Flycatcher at Binhai Forest Park, Fairy Pitta in the Cape Nanhui microforests, Greater Painted-snipe holding on in a canal near the coast, Asian Dowitcher at South Pond, Chinese Egret at North Pond and on South Beach, and Pacific Golden Plover at the sod farm south of Pudong Airport. Sakhalin Leaf Warbler and Pale-legged Leaf Warbler were calling in the Magic Parking Lot, and endangered Far Eastern Curlew and Great Knot were recorded at Nanhui. Crested Goshawk appeared in inner-city Zhongshan Park.

10-14 August 2017

Craig Brelsford birded 10-14 Aug. 2017 with visiting U.S. birder Bob Orenstein. They noted 107 species at coastal sites in Shanghai and southeastern Jiangsu. At Pudong’s Cape Nanhui on 13 Aug., Bob and Craig had a rare Shanghai record of Greater Painted-snipe and an early record of Mandarin Duck. On 12 Aug. at Dongling (32.224520, 121.534355), Bob and Craig had critically endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper and 2605 endangered Great Knot. The duo saw 4 Nordmann’s Greenshank at Dongling and had 30 members of that endangered species 11 Aug. at the coastal birding area at Dongtai. Bob and Craig noted Himalayan Swiftlet at Dongling as well as on 10 Aug. at Cape Nanhui, where they also had Amur Paradise Flycatcher.

5 August 2017

Visiting birder Ian Reid and Craig Brelsford had 3 juvenile Asian Dowitcher, the most notable among an all-star team of shorebirds that included 8 Black-tailed Godwit, Ruff, 12 Broad-billed Sandpiper, and 3 Curlew Sandpiper still mainly in brick-red breeding plumage. A Red-necked Phalarope was making use of fallow rice paddies, and 6 Grey-tailed Tattler were on the mudflats near Donghai Bridge. The duo had unusual Nanhui records of Pied Kingfisher and Ruddy Shelduck.

The microforests were quiet, but a very early record of Eastern Crowned Warbler and Yellow-rumped Flycatcher offered a preview of the passerine party coming in September. There were four species of bittern: Eurasian Bittern, Yellow Bittern, Cinnamon Bittern, and Black Bittern.

26 May 2017

Records for Cape Nanhui, 26 May 2017: Chestnut Bulbul (L) and Chestnut-winged Cuckoo. (Kai Pflug)

At Nanhui, Chesnut-winged Cuckoo and Chestnut Bulbul (KP).

14 May 2017

At Nanhui, Grey-crowned Warbler and Alström’s Warbler (CB & Jan-Erik Nilsén).

13 May 2017

Orange-headed Thrush
Orange-headed Thrush appeared 13 May 2017 at the Magic Parking Lot, Cape Nanhui. (Kai Pflug)

At Nanhui, Orange-headed Thrush, Pallas’s Grasshopper Warbler, Lanceolated Warbler, Forest Wagtail, and Black-faced Spoonbill (CB, Jan-Erik Nilsén, & Mike May).

16 May 2017

Crested Goshawk at Century Park (XP).

13 May 2017

Crested Goshawk at Zhongshan Park Wāng Jìn Róng (汪进荣).

28 April 2017

At Nanhui, Blue Whistling Thrush in Microforest 2 (Zhāng Xiàolěi [张笑磊]).

27 April 2017

Pacific Swift
Pacific Swift, Nanhui, 27 April 2017. In Shanghai, Apus pacificus is an uncommon passage migrant. (Craig Brelsford)

At Nanhui, (Japanese) Yellow Bunting in Microforest 4 (30.953225, 121.959083) (Hǎo Zhàokuān [郝兆宽]).

Also at Nanhui: booming Eurasian Bittern, 11 breeding Kentish Plover, 7 Black-tailed Godwit, 4 Curlew Sandpiper, 20 Saunders’s Gull (flock), 3 Pacific Swift, Swinhoe’s Minivet, Bull-headed Shrike, Red-rumped Swallow, Dusky Warbler noted yet again at Magic Parking Lot, 2 Marsh Grassbird singing in reedy component of defunct wetland reserve, Verditer Flycatcher in tiny remnant patch of reeds behind defunct wetland reserve, Siberian Rubythroat, 12 Narcissus Flycatcher in microforests and at Magic Parking Lot (30.884898, 121.968229) (CB & KP).

26 April 2017

Yellow Bunting
(Japanese) Yellow Bunting in Microforest 2, Nanhui, 26 April 2017. Emberiza sulphurata breeds in Japan, winters in The Philippines, and passes through Shanghai in small numbers each spring. Listed as Vulnerable by IUCN. (Kai Pflug)

At Nanhui, (Japanese) Yellow Bunting in Microforest 2 (KP).

22 April 2017

At Nanhui, 3 Chinese Egret, 22 Little Curlew, Brown-headed Thrush, Siberian Rubythroat, 12 Red-throated Pipit (LC).

21 April 2017

Nanhui Friday 21 April 2017, CB and Jan-Erik Nilsén, 95 species.

Ruddy-breasted Crake 1 calling from ditches draining rice paddies across from Iron Track. Pechora Pipit 1 at Marshy Agricultural Land between Eiffel Tower and Luchao.


Endangered Great Knot 3, Broad-billed Sandpiper 2 in mariculture pond near Eiffel Tower, Curlew Sandpiper 1 in brick-red breeding plumage (Eiffel Tower), Temminck’s Stint 2 at roadside pond at Disaster Area N of Iron Track, Long-toed Stint 6 (Eiffel), Sanderling 5, Terek Sandpiper 8, Marsh Sandpiper 40, Wood Sandpiper 14.

Also Black-tailed Gull 1, Gull-billed Tern 1, Whiskered Tern 3, Eurasian Hobby 1.


Dusky Warbler 2 (1 at Magic Parking Lot), Yellow-browed Warbler 23, Oriental Reed Warbler 25, Marsh Grassbird 8, Chinese Blackbird 1, Asian Brown Flycatcher 2, Blue-and-white Flycatcher 6, Narcissus Flycatcher 1, Scaly-breasted Munia 2.

19 April 2017

by Kai Pflug
Birds of Nanhui, 19 April 2017: L: Crested Goshawk Accipiter trivirgatus. R: White-shouldered Starling Sturnia sinensis. (Kai Pflug)

At Nanhui, Crested Goshawk and White-shouldered Starling (KP).

8 April 2017

84 species at Nanhui: Oriental Plover 1 at sod farm south of Pudong Airport, Marsh Grassbird 23 performing song flight at 3 locations, endangered Great Knot 10, Curlew Sandpiper 1, Rufous-faced Warbler 2 (pair), European Starling 1.


Garganey 57
Greater Scaup 1 at Dishui Lake
Little Curlew 31
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper 11 my first of season
Red-necked Stint 1 first of season
Wood Sandpiper 1 first of season
Peregrine Falcon 1
Dusky Warbler 1 at Magic Parking Lot (possibly wintered there)
Reed Parrotbill 18 occurring wherever Marsh Grassbird present
Dusky Thrush 55

(John MacKinnon, Russell Boyman, CB, LC, and MG)

28 March 2017

Long-billed Dowitcher
Long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus, 28 March 2017, Chongming, Shanghai. This flock of 7 may be the largest ever reported in Shanghai. Photo by Fàn Jūn (范钧).

On Chongming, 7 Long-billed Dowitcher, 1 singing Marsh Grassbird (Fàn Jūn [范钧]).

26 March 2017

On Hengsha, Oriental Plover 25 in two areas, Marsh Grassbird 10 singing early-morning only and in one area only and not performing song flight, Common Reed Bunting 1 feeding alone on ground. Also Garganey 59, Eurasian Teal 625, Eurasian Bittern 8 booming, Hen Harrier 1 male, Pied Harrier 1 female, Eurasian Curlew 2, Bar-tailed Godwit 4 (1 banded on Chongming), Great Knot 2, Ruff 6, Sanderling 1, Dunlin 350, Japanese/Manchurian Bush Warbler 3 singing (CB, KY, MG).

At Nanhui, 1 skittish Short-eared Owl, 1 breeding Black-necked Grebe (Dishui Lake), 0 (zero) Hooded Crane, our well-known individual most likely having departed after historic winter sojourn on tip of Shanghai Peninsula (CB, KY, MG).

25 March 2017

At Nanhui, 6 Black-faced Spoonbill in breeding plumage, Hooded Crane circling high and heading north, ca. 300 Kentish Plover, ca. 150 Little Ringed Plover, 6 Far Eastern Curlew, 40 Great Knot, Black-tailed Gull, 6 Short-eared Owl, Asian House Martin, White’s Thrush, Grey Wagtail (LC).

19 March 2017

Red-throated Loon Gavia stellata found dead at Sanjiagang Seaside Park by Suōyǔ Hè (蓑羽鹤).

18 March 2017

Slaty-backed Gull at Binjiang Park (Huangpu River) plus Mongolian Gull Larus vegae mongolicus tagged in Mongolia; Red-throated Loon Gavia stellata and Black-throated Loon G. arctica at Sanjiagang Seaside Park (CB & MG).

5 March 2017

Greater Scaup and 2 Black-throated Loon Gavia arctica at Sanjiagang Seaside Park, a site north of Pudong Airport. Hooded Crane, Merlin, and 2 Peregrine Falcon at Cape Nanhui (AJ, KY, & LC). The Hooded Crane noted at Nanhui has been reported there regularly since 12 Nov. 2016.

19 February 2017

Slaty-backed Gull at Lujiazui (LC).

16 January 2017

Short-eared Owl
Short-eared Owl at Cape Nanhui. A group of four took up residence around fish ponds and harvested rice paddies at 30.935824, 121.952606. (Kai Pflug)

2 Short-eared Owl at Nanhui (KP).

15 January 2017

At Nanhui, 2 Swan Goose, Ruddy Shelduck, 300 Northern Shoveler, Black-necked Grebe (Dishui Lake), 3 late Chinese Pond Heron at Iron Track, 122 Eurasian Spoonbill, 3 Black-faced Spoonbill, Hooded Crane present at Nanhui since at least 12 Nov. 2016, 2 Short-eared Owl, Merlin, Dusky Warbler at Magic Parking Lot, Naumann’s Thrush at Binhai Forest Park (CB, ED, & Eric Jeffrey).

8 January 2017

At Nanhui, 75 Greater White-fronted Goose, Black-necked Grebe (Dishui Lake), 4 Black-faced Spoonbill, Eastern Marsh Harrier, Chinese Blackbird at Magic Parking Lot, 10 Eastern Yellow Wagtail (taivana) (AL, CB, ED, LC, MG, & Russell Boyman)

29 December 2016

Pallas’s Gull in Huangpu River near Bund (LC).

25 December 2016

At Nanhui, Hooded Crane completing its sixth week at Nanhui, 2 Black-faced Spoonbill, 75 Greater White-fronted Goose, 600 Falcated Duck (Dishui Lake), 4 Greater Scaup (Dishui), 3 Black-necked Grebe (Dishui), 62 Eurasian Spoonbill, 100 Vega Gull on mudflats feasting on dead web-footed birds, Peregrine Falcon, 11 late Barn Swallow, Dusky Warbler heard at Magic Parking Lot, 6 Reed Parrotbill at Iron Track, Blue Rock Thrush at reliable spot near South Lock, 3 Eastern Yellow Wagtail (taivana), 2 Richard’s Pipit (“sinensis“), 9 Chestnut-eared Bunting in reeds around Iron Track and at former Yellow-breasted Bunting place north of Luchao (AJ, AL, CB, ED, & KY).

18 December 2016

White-winged Scoter, Nanhui, 18 Dec. 2016. Photo by Komatsu Yasuhiko.
White-winged Scoter, Nanhui, 18 Dec. 2016. (Komatsu Yasuhiko)
This Acrocephalus warbler was found at the Magic Parking Lot at Nanhui on 18 Dec. 2016. Photo by Komatsu Yasuhiko.
This acrocephalid warbler, most likely Paddyfield Warbler Acrocephalus agricola or Manchurian Bush Warbler A. tangorum, was found at the Magic Parking Lot at Nanhui on 18 Dec. 2016 by Andy Lee, Komatsu Yasuhiko, Larry Chen, and Archie Jiang. (Komatsu Yasuhiko)

2 White-winged Scoter, Baikal Teal, Brown-cheeked Rail, Paddyfield Warbler/Manchurian Reed Warbler, and Red-breasted Flycatcher at Nanhui (AJ, AL, KY, & LC). UPDATE: 9 JAN 2017: In e-mail to Larry Chen, Paul Leader said the Manchurian Reed/Paddyfield in question here is Paddyfield Warbler.

16 December 2016

Siberian Crane at Nanhui (Hé Xīn [何鑫]).

15 December 2016

Top: hybrid Baikal Teal x Northern Pintail (L) and Baikal Teal. Bottom: Red-breasted Flycatcher, resident at Magic Parking Lot, Nanhui since at least 6 Dec. Photos by Hǎo Zhàokuān (郝兆宽).
Top: hybrid Baikal Teal x Northern Pintail (L) and Baikal Teal. Bottom: Red-breasted Flycatcher, resident at Magic Parking Lot (30.884898, 121.968229), Nanhui, since at least 6 Dec. 2016. Photos by Hǎo Zhàokuān (郝兆宽).

2 Red-crowned Crane on Chongming Island (Richard Edden). Presumably same cranes as 10 December at Nanhui.

At Nanhui, 4 Baikal Teal, 1 hybrid Baikal Teal x Northern Pintail (Hǎo Zhàokuān [郝兆宽]). 3 Greater Scaup, 7 Black-necked Grebe, Hooded Crane (CB, ED, Hǎo Zhàokuān [郝兆宽], kaca). Red-breasted Flycatcher (Hǎo Zhàokuān [郝兆宽], kaca).

10 December 2016

Amazing Red-crowned Crane made a historic first recorded visit to Cape Nanhui on 10 Dec. 2016. Photo by Hǎo Zhàokuān (郝兆宽).
Amazing Red-crowned Crane made a historic first visit to Cape Nanhui on 10 Dec. 2016. Photo by Hǎo Zhàokuān (郝兆宽).

At Nanhui, 2 Red-crowned Crane, first record for Cape Nanhui; Hooded Crane prolonging its historic Cape Nanhui visit, which began 12 Nov.; 4 Baikal Teal; 2 Mew Gull Larus canus; Red-breasted Flycatcher at Magic Parking Lot, probably same bird recorded 6 Dec.; 2 Common Starling. Also Greater White-fronted Goose, 24 Tundra Swan (bewickii), 12 Common Shelduck, 400 Falcated Duck (Dishui Lake), 2 Eurasian Bittern, 100 Eurasian Spoonbill, 4 Eastern Marsh Harrier, 2 Hen Harrier, White-breasted Waterhen, Brown Crake, 20 Kentish Plover, Saunders’s Gull, 2 Black-headed Gull, 2 Black-tailed Gull, 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull (heuglini), 2 Peregrine Falcon, Dusky Warbler at Magic Parking Lot, 3 Black-collared Starling seen while we drove by Pudong Airport, Eastern Yellow Wagtail (taivana), 2 Richard’s Pipit, 8 Chestnut-eared Bunting (Russell Boyman, CB, Cài Jiàndōng [蔡见东], Chéng Yīxuān [程一轩], ED, MG, Hǎo Lèzhī [郝乐之], Mrs. Hao, Hǎo Zhàokuān [郝兆宽], Lán Bāngxiàn [蓝邦宪], Lán Xī [兰溪], AL, Xú Fènqiáng [徐奋强], Xú Yáng [徐扬], Zhāng Huá [张华], Zhāng Xiǎoyàn [张小艳], Zhāng Xuěhán [张雪寒]).

9 December 2016

Hooded Crane Grus monacha among Eurasian Spoonbill at defunct wetland reserve, Nanhui, 9 Dec. 2016. Shanghai birders at Cape Nanhui have been recording this individual regularly since the historic first mainland Shanghai record on 12 Nov. 2016. Crane has been seen in rice paddies on either side of road at 30.939376, 121.956494. The record on 9 Dec. was the first in the defunct reserve. Photo by Kai Pflug.
Hooded Crane Grus monacha among Eurasian Spoonbill at defunct wetland reserve, Nanhui, 9 Dec. 2016. Shanghai birders at Cape Nanhui have been recording this individual regularly since the historic first Cape Nanhui record on 12 Nov. 2016. The crane has been seen in rice paddies on either side of the road at 30.939376, 121.956494. The record on 9 Dec. was the first in the defunct reserve (30.920507, 121.973159). (Kai Pflug)

Hooded Crane at Nanhui (KP).

7 December 2016

Siberian Crane, Hengsha, 7 Dec. 2016.
Two of the 3 Siberian Crane on Hengsha Island, 7 Dec. 2016. Since 12 Nov. 2016 the cranes have been noted regularly at the spot 31.321708, 122.018141. It is not known exactly what drew the cranes to Hengsha. Disturbances at Lake Poyang, the wintering location of nearly every member of the species, may be a factor. Grus leucogeranus is Critically Endangered. Only about 3750 individuals remain. (Craig Brelsford)

3 Siberian Crane on Hengsha Island around the point 31.321708, 122.018141. The three individuals have been recorded there regularly since 12 Nov. 2016. Also on Hengsha 270 Gadwall, 2 Ferruginous Duck, 2 Hen Harrier among which 1 adult male (rare in Shanghai), 3 Chinese Grey Shrike, 150 Pallas’s Reed Bunting (CB, ED, & Susan Lessner).

At Binjiang Forest Park, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 5 Collared Finchbill, Naumann’s Thrush (CB, ED, & Susan Lessner).

6 December 2016

Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva, Nanhui.
Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva, Magic Parking Lot (30.884898, 121.968229), Nanhui, 6 Dec. 2016. Photo by Hǎo Zhàokuān (郝兆宽).

Hooded Crane at Nanhui. Regular records of a single individual since historic first mainland Shanghai record on 12 Nov. 2016. Crane has been seen in rice paddies on either side of road at this point: 30.939376, 121.956494. Also at Nanhui, Red-breasted Flycatcher (CB, ED, Hǎo Zhàokuān [郝兆宽], & Susan Lessner). Also 10 Swan Goose, 12 Greater White-fronted Goose, 100 Common Shelduck, 600 Falcated Duck (Dishui Lake), 5 Baikal Teal, 11 Greater Scaup, 4 Black-necked Grebe, 2 Eurasian Curlew, 500 Dunlin, Eurasian Wryneck, 8 taivana Eastern Yellow Wagtail (CB, ED, & Susan Lessner).

5 December 2016

In December 2016 this Crested Goshawk made a very rare appearance in Zhongshan Park, Shanghai. Photo by Wāng Jìn Róng (汪进荣).
On 5 Dec. 2016 this Crested Goshawk made a very unexpected appearance in Zhongshan Park (31.221888, 121.420066), the 102-year-old, heavily wooded green space in Changning District, Shanghai. Photo by Wāng Jìn Róng (汪进荣).

Crested Goshawk at Zhongshan Park (Wāng Jìn Róng [汪进荣]).

3 December 2016

One of the 3 Siberian Crane on Hengsha Island. Photo © 2016 by Stephan Popp and Xueping Popp.
One of the 3 Siberian Crane on Hengsha Island, 3 Dec. 2016. © 2016 by Stephan Popp and Xueping Popp.

3 Siberian Crane on Hengsha Island (SP & XP).

At Nanhui, Hooded Crane, 10 Swan Goose, 2 Greater White-fronted Goose, 128 Tundra Swan, 155 Common Shelduck, 600 Falcated Duck, 53 Eurasian Spoonbill, 2 Black-faced Spoonbill, Bar-tailed Godwit, 3 Red Knot, 6 taivana Eastern Yellow Wagtail (CB, ED, & MG).

2 December 2016

Scaly-sided Merganser at Nanhui (kaca & KP).

29 November 2016

Siberian Crane at the newly reclaimed extension of Hengsha Island, 29 Nov. 2016. The cranes have been at this spot (<a href="https://www.google.com/maps/place/31%C2%B019'18.1%22N+122%C2%B001'05.3%22E/@31.3357847,121.9467299,27781m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d31.321708!4d122.018141" target="_blank">31.321708, 122.018141</a>) since at least 12 Nov. 2016. It is not known exactly what drew the cranes to Hengsha. Disturbances at <a href="https://www.google.com/maps/place/Poyang+Lake/@29.2577404,114.0262778,7z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x34303e5b2a0c4edb:0x89af8c1cdda020c9!8m2!3d29.1253133!4d116.2777073" target="_blank">Lake Poyang</a>, the wintering location of nearly every member of the species, may be a factor. Since 2000 <em>Leucogeranus leucogeranus</em> has been listed as <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2015-4.RLTS.T22692053A78922067.en" target="_blank">Critically Endangered</a>. Only about 3750 individuals remain. Photo by Craig Brelsford.
Siberian Crane at the newly reclaimed extension of Hengsha Island, 29 Nov. 2016. Photo by Craig Brelsford.

3 Siberian Crane still on Hengsha Island (31.321708, 122.018141). Also on Hengsha: 8 Mandarin Duck, Common Merganser, Intermediate Egret, 14 Eurasian Spoonbill, Black-faced Spoonbill, Brown-cheeked Rail, Chinese Grey Shrike, 2 Hair-crested Drongo, 3 Rook (CB, ED, & Phil Birch).

On Chongming, 98 Hooded Crane, 3 Common Crane, 28 Swan Goose, 35 Lapland Longspur (CB, ED, & Phil Birch).

At Binjiang Forest Park, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Collared Finchbill, 3 Naumann’s Thrush, 3 Hawfinch (CB, ED, & Phil Birch).

28 November 2016

Scaly-sided Merganser, rare Nanhui record. 28 Nov. 2016. Photo by Kai Pflug.
Scaly-sided Merganser, rare Nanhui record. 28 Nov. 2016. Photo by Kai Pflug.

Scaly-sided Merganser at Nanhui (KP).

Also at Nanhui, 15 Swan Goose, 2 Baikal Teal, Japanese Grosbeak, 25 Common Shelduck, Common Pochard, 3 Greater Scaup, 12 Black-necked Grebe, 30 Eurasian Spoonbill, 2 Black-faced Spoonbill, Brown-cheeked Rail, 3 Eurasian Curlew, 3 Black-tailed Godwit, Bar-tailed Godwit, 600 Dunlin, Peregrine Falcon, late Barn Swallow, 12 Reed Parrotbill, 8 taivana Eastern Yellow Wagtail. 4 Rustic Bunting at Binhai Forest Park (CB, ED, & Phil Birch).

27 November 2016

At Nanhui, 3 Baikal Teal, Long-billed Dowitcher, 9 Black-necked Grebe, Chinese Grey Shrike, 2 Bluethroat (CB, ED, & MG).

On Chongming, 73 Hooded Crane, 8 Common Crane, 21 Swan Goose, 2 Rook, ca. 150 Lapland Longspur (Russell Boyman).

24 November 2016

Siberian Crane, <a href="https://www.shanghaibirding.com/sites/nanhui/" target="_blank">Nanhui</a>, 24 Nov. 2016. Third record in the history of Nanhui. First record was of a crane that first appeared in December 2006 and stayed until February 2007. The second record was in November 2015. Photo by Hé Xīn (何鑫).
Siberian Crane, Nanhui, 24 Nov. 2016. Third record in history of Nanhui. Photo by Hé Xīn (何鑫).
Japanese Grosbeak, Nanhui, 24 Nov. 2016. Photo by Kai Pflug.
Japanese Grosbeak Eophona personata, Nanhui, 24 Nov. 2016. Scarce passage migrant in Shanghai. Bill lacks black tip and black cap is less extensive than in Chinese Grosbeak E. migratoria. Photos by Kai Pflug.

Siberian Crane at Nanhui (Hé Xīn [何鑫]). Japanese Grosbeak at Nanhui (KP).

22 November 2016

Horned/Slavonian Grebe Podiceps auritus, Dishui Lake, 22 Nov. 2016. Horned Grebe is a scarce winter visitor to Shanghai. Photo by Mark Jason Villa.
Horned/Slavonian Grebe Podiceps auritus, Dishui Lake, 22 Nov. 2016. Horned Grebe is a scarce winter visitor to Shanghai. Photo by Mark Jason Villa.

Horned Grebe at Dishui Lake, Nanhui (Mark Jason Villa).

21 November 2016

At Nanhui on 21 Nov. 2016, Shanghai birder kaca photographed this Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus flammeus. Short-eared Owl is similar to Long-eared Owl and is distinguished by its yellow eyes, pale belly, short tufts, and white trailing edge to wing--all readily seen in kaca's photos.
At Nanhui on 21 Nov. 2016, Shanghai birder kaca photographed this Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus flammeus. Short-eared Owl is distinguished from Long-eared Owl by its yellow eyes, pale belly, short ear tufts, and white trailing edge to wing.

At Nanhui, Short-eared Owl (kaca).

19 November 2016

Hooded Crane Grus monacha, Nanhui, 19 Nov. 2016. Photo by Kai Pflug.
Hooded Crane Grus monacha, Nanhui, 19 Nov. 2016. Photo by Kai Pflug.
Lesser Coucal
Lesser Coucal in remnant reed bed (30.849433, 121.881834) near Eiffel Tower in Nanhui , 19 Nov. 2016. Photo by Craig Brelsford.

At Nanhui, Japanese Reed Bunting, Hooded Crane, Baikal Teal, Lesser Coucal, Yellow-breasted Bunting, 6 Black-faced Spoonbill, Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Red Knot (CB, ED, & MG).

Also at Nanhui, Red-breasted Flycatcher (KP).

15 November 2016

Very late Narcissus Flycatcher at Zhongshan Park (CB & ED).

13 November 2016

Rufous-tailed Robin, late (13 Nov.) record for Shanghai.
Rufous-tailed Robin, Nanhui, 13 Nov. 2016. Late record for Shanghai. Craig Brelsford.

2 Brown-cheeked Rail, Hair-crested Drongo, 15 Black-faced Spoonbill, Amur Falcon, late Rufous-tailed Robin, 3 Yellow-breasted Bunting (CB & ED).

12 November 2016

Hooded Crane, Nanhui, 12 Nov. 2016
Hooded Crane flying above fields at Nanhui on 12 Nov. 2016. Before the sighting by Elaine Du, Michael Grunwell, and Craig Brelsford, Grus monacha had never been recorded on the Shanghai Peninsula. Each year, about 100 Hooded Crane overwinter on eastern Chongming Island, 60 km north of Nanhui at the mouth of the Yangtze River. Photo by Craig Brelsford.

At Nanhui, Hooded Crane, first record for mainland Shanghai. Also 40 Baikal Teal, 48 Greater White-fronted Goose, 14 Tundra Swan, 8 Jack Snipe, Black-faced Spoonbill, 6 Amur Falcon, Water Pipit, Yellow-breasted Bunting (CB, ED, & MG).

On Hengsha, 3 Siberian Crane (Russell Boyman).

9 November 2016

At Nanhui, 4 Greater Scaup, 2 Smew, 8 Black-faced Spoonbill, 48 distant Eurasian/Black-faced Spoonbill, Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Great Knot, 3 late Red-necked Stint, 12 Saunders’s Gull, 3 Yellow-breasted Bunting (CB, ED, & Erica Locke).

8 November 2016

Greater White-fronted Goose, Nanhui, 8 Nov. 2016. Rare Shanghai record.
Greater White-fronted Goose, Nanhui, 8 Nov. 2016. Photos by Elaine Du.

At Nanhui, 15 Greater White-fronted Goose, Black-faced Spoonbill, 60 distant Eurasian/Black-faced Spoonbill, 13 Eurasian Curlew, 8 Black-tailed Gull, Mew Gull Larus canus, 2 Hair-crested Drongo, 2 Red-rumped Swallow, Asian House Martin, Naumann’s Thrush, late Rufous-tailed Robin, taivana Eastern Yellow Wagtail, 2 Yellow-breasted Bunting (CB, ED, & Mike May).

7 November 2016

Japanese Robin at Nanhui (kaca).

5 November 2016

At Nanhui, Long-billed Dowitcher, Black-necked Grebe, 45 Black-faced Spoonbill, Brown-cheeked Rail, 3 Saunders’s Gull, 3 Amur Falcon, 12 Reed Parrotbill, Scaly-breasted Munia, 4 Yellow-breasted Bunting (CB, ED, MG).

3 November 2016

On Thurs. 3 Nov. I found these 4 Black-faced Spoonbill flying over Microforest 4. I found another 55 in the abandoned nature reserve.
Black-faced Spoonbill flying over Microforest 4 (30.953225, 121.959083), 3 Nov. 2016. I found another 55 in the abandoned nature reserve. Craig Brelsford.

At Nanhui, Spoon-billed Sandpiper, 4 Great Knot, 2 Ruff, Saunders’s Gull, Greater Scaup, 59 Black-faced Spoonbill (CB, ED). Black-naped Monarch, first reported 30 October, still at Paotaiwan (various sources).

2 November 2016

Oriental Scops Owl, Nanhui, 2 Nov. 2016. Photo by Kai Pflug.
Oriental Scops Owl, Nanhui, 2 Nov. 2016. Photo by Kai Pflug.

Oriental Scops Owl at Nanhui (KP).

30 October 2016

Baikal Teal, Nanhui, 30 Oct. 2016. Nanhui, Shanghai, 30 Oct. 2016. © 2016 by Stephan Popp & Xueping Popp.
Baikal Teal, Nanhui, 30 Oct. 2016. © 2016 by Stephan Popp & Xueping Popp.

Black-naped Monarch at Wusong-Paotaiwan (KP). Baikal Teal & Common Starling at Nanhui (SP, XP). Swinhoe’s Rail reportedly still at Magic Parking Lot, Nanhui.

29 October 2016

Outstanding birds of at Nanhui, 29 Oct. 2016. Panel 1: Nordmann’s Greenshank. 2: Black-faced Spoonbill. 3a-3d: Saunders's Gull. 4: Ruff. Photos in panels 1, 3d, and 4 by Elaine Du. Others by Craig Brelsford.
Outstanding birds from Nanhui, 29 Oct. 2016. Panel 1: Nordmann’s Greenshank. 2: Black-faced Spoonbill. 3a-3d: Saunders’s Gull. 4: Ruff. Photos in panels 1, 3d, and 4 by Elaine Du. Others by Craig Brelsford.

Swinhoe’s Rail at Magic Parking Lot at Nanhui (Chén Qí [陈骐], Pàng Pàng [胖胖], & Wāng Yàjīng [汪亚菁]).

Also at Nanhui, Nordmann’s Greenshank, 54 Black-faced Spoonbill, 2 Ruff, Red Knot, 4 Saunders’s Gull, Long-eared Owl, Japanese Grosbeak, Black-winged Cuckooshrike, Japanese Paradise Flycatcher, and season’s first Goldcrest (5), Manchurian/Japanese Bush Warbler, Dusky Thrush (2), Yellow-throated Bunting (16), & Chestnut Bunting (3).

21-22 October 2016

Pomarine Jaeger reportedly still at Nanhui. No longer reported as of 23 October 2016.

20 October 2016

Pomarine Skua/Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus, Nanhui, Shanghai, 20 Oct. 2016.
Pomarine Skua/Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus, defunct nature reserve, Nanhui, 20 Oct. 2016. Photo by Craig Brelsford.

Pomarine Jaeger still at Nanhui (CB, ED, Hé Xīn [何鑫], kaca). Also at Nanhui: 2 Greater Scaup, Nordmann’s Greenshank, 24 Black-faced Spoonbill.

19 October 2016

Pomarine Jaeger at Nanhui (Hé Xīn [何鑫]). First record for Shanghai.

11 October 2016

Crow-billed Drongo at Nanhui (kaca). First record for Shanghai.

22 September 2016

Verditer Flycatcher by Kai Pflug
Verditer Flycatcher, Nanhui, 22 Sept. 2016. Photo by Kai Pflug. A vagrant to Shanghai, Eumyias thalassinus breeds as close to Shanghai as Hubei. Small numbers winter as far north as Fujian.

Verditer Flycatcher at Nanhui (KP).

21 September 2016

At Nanhui, Amur Paradise Flycatcher and Verditer Flycatcher (Hé Xīn [何鑫]).

20 September 2016

At Nanhui on 20 Sept. Kai Pflug photographed this rufous-morph Oriental Scops Owl.
At Nanhui on 20 Sept. Kai Pflug photographed this rufous-morph Oriental Scops Owl.

At Nanhui, scarce rufous-morph Oriental Scops Owl, Fairy Pitta (KP).

17 September 2016

Verditer Flycatcher
On 17 Sept. 2016, Xueping Popp returned from a long trip to find a Verditer Flycatcher waiting for her in her garden. Xueping lives in Puxi. © 2016 by Stephan Popp & Xueping Popp.

At Nanhui, Nordmann’s Greenshank, Ruddy Shelduck (uncommon at Nanhui), big count of 2500 White-winged Tern, 40 Black-tailed Godwit, 5 Bar-tailed Godwit, 15 Great Knot, 20 Red Knot, 2 Grey-tailed Tattler, Black-winged Cuckooshrike, 10 Japanese Paradise Flycatcher (AL, CB, ED, KY, LC, MG, & Chi Shu).

At her home in Puxi, Xueping Popp (XP) found Verditer Flycatcher.

11 September 2016

We found this endangered Yellow-breasted Bunting in a strange location, on a mud bank with shorebirds such as Little Ringed Plover. Changes to wintering sites, loss of reed-bed habitat for roosting sites, and especially trapping for meat have caused the population of this once-abundant species to go into free-fall. Photo by Craig Brelsford using iPhone 6 and Swarovski ATX-95.
We found this endangered Yellow-breasted Bunting in a strange location, on a mud bank with shorebirds such as Little Ringed Plover. Changes to wintering sites, loss of reed-bed habitat for roosting sites, and especially trapping for meat have caused the population of this once-abundant species to go into free-fall. Photo by Craig Brelsford using iPhone 6 and Swarovski ATX-95.

At Nanhui, Himalayan Swiftlet, 2 Fairy Pitta, 7 Japanese Paradise Flycatcher, 2 Pechora Pipit, and Yellow-breasted Bunting (CB, ED, & KY, MG).

9 September 2016

This photo, taken in Nanhui on 9 Sept. 2016 by local photographer kaca, shows the Black-tailed Godwit <a href="https://www.shanghaibirding.com/2016/09/04/pitta-nanhui/" target="_blank">that was first found 27 Aug. 2016</a> and that was banded this year in Kamchatka, 4000 km from Nanhui.
This photo, taken in Nanhui on 9 Sept. 2016 by Shanghai birder kaca, shows the Black-tailed Godwit that was first found 27 Aug. 2016 and that was banded this year on the Kamchatka Peninsula, 4000 km from Nanhui.

Black-tailed Godwit banded in Kamchatka and first found 27 Aug. 2016 found again by Chinese bird photographer kaca at virtually the same location (Nanhui). Also Nordmann’s Greenshank found by kaca.

5 September 2016

Oriental Dollarbird at Century Park (CB & ED).

4 September 2016

Fairy Pitta, 1 of 2 seen in Microforest 2, Nanhui, Shanghai, 4 Sept. 2016. Photo by Kai Pflug.
Fairy Pitta, 1 of 2 seen in Microforest 2, Nanhui, 4 Sept. 2016. Photo by Kai Pflug.

2 Fairy Pitta at Nanhui (KP & KY).

3 September 2016

At Nanhui, Fairy Pitta, Nordmann’s Greenshank, 3 Asian Dowitcher, 3 Far Eastern Curlew, 135 Great Knot, Lesser Coucal (CB, ED, MG). Common Ringed Plover at Pudong Airport Sod Farm (CB, ED, MG).

27 August 2016

At Nanhui, ca. 200 Black-tailed Godwit (among which 1 banded in Kamchatka, Russia), 4 Asian Dowitcher, 2 Black-necked Grebe, 12 Pacific Golden Plover, Far Eastern Curlew, 11 Great Knot, 16 Red Knot, 12 Curlew Sandpiper (CB, ED, KY, & MG), Lesser Coucal (CB, ED, & MG), Himalayan Swiftlet (KY, LC, & Chi Shu), Red-necked Phalarope (CB, ED, KY, LC, MG, & Chi Shu).

2 June 2016

Asian Koel found 2 June 2016 at Nanhui. Photo by Kai Pflug.
Asian Koel found 2 June 2016 at Nanhui. Photo by Kai Pflug.

Fairy Pitta and Asian Koel at Microforest 2, Nanhui (KP).

1 June 2016

This Brown-chested Jungle Flycatcher was noted in Nanhui 30 May-1 June 2016. Photo by Kai Pflug.
This Brown-chested Jungle Flycatcher was noted in Nanhui 30 May-1 June 2016. Photo by Kai Pflug.

Brown-chested Jungle Flycatcher at Nanhui (KP).

30 May 2016

White-morph Amur Paradise Flycatcher, Nanhui, 30 May 2016. In Shanghai, Japanese Paradise Flycatcher is more common than Amur. Of the two species only Amur has the white morph. Photo by Kai Pflug.
White-morph Amur Paradise Flycatcher, Nanhui, 30 May 2016. In Shanghai, Japanese Paradise Flycatcher is more common than Amur. Of the two species, only Amur has the white morph. For more on the differences between Japanese and Amur, see the post published 10 Oct. 2016: “ID Workshop: Paradise Flycatchers.” Photo by Kai Pflug.

At Nanhui, Brown-chested Jungle Flycatcher, white-morph Amur Paradise Flycatcher, and Chestnut Bulbul (KP).

29 May 2016

At Cape Nanhui, Slaty Bunting, 3 Brown-chested Jungle Flycatcher, 1 female Crested Goshawk, 3 Amur Falcon, and 1 male Amur Paradise Flycatcher (MG).

17 May 2016

Black Bulbul, Nanhui, 17 May 2016.
Black Bulbul, Nanhui, 17 May 2016. Photo by Craig Brelsford.

At Nanhui, 4 Pheasant-tailed Jacana, Indian Cuckoo, Black-winged Cuckooshrike, 4 Swinhoe’s Minivet, Black Bulbul, Tiger Shrike, 21 Black Drongo, 3 Hair-crested Drongo, Amur Paradise Flycatcher, 3 singing Arctic Warbler, singing Grey-crowned Warbler, Siberian Thrush, Siberian Blue Robin, 2 Siberian Rubythroat, 2 White-throated Rock Thrush, 4 Pechora Pipit (CB & KP).

15 May 2016

At Nanhui, Purple Heron, 4 Pacific Golden Plover, 13 Grey-tailed Tattler, 2 Red Knot, 3 Oriental Pratincole, Black-tailed Gull, 2 Pacific Swift, Black-winged Cuckooshrike, 2 Ashy Drongo, ca. 150 Sand Martin, calling Two-barred Warbler, singing Arctic Warbler, Siberian Rubythroat, Blue Whistling Thrush (first record in Shanghai since 1987), Yellow-breasted Bunting, Chestnut Bunting (CB, ED, & Jan-Erik Nilsén).

14 May 2016

Rufous-bellied Woodpecker, Chongming Island, Shanghai, 14 May 2016. Photo by Kai Pflug.
Rufous-bellied Woodpecker, Chongming Island, 14 May 2016. Photo by Kai Pflug.

Rufous-bellied Woodpecker on Chongming Island (KP).

At Nanhui, Greater Sand Plover, 20 Grey-tailed Tattler, Red Knot, Red Turtle Dove, Black-winged Cuckooshrike, ca. 150 Sand Martin, 4 singing Arctic Warbler, Siberian Rubythroat, White-throated Rock Thrush, Pechora Pipit (CB, ED, MG, & Jan-Erik Nilsén).

On Lesser Yangshan, Northern Boobook, Peregrine Falcon, 2 Ashy Minivet, Tiger Shrike, 4 Black Bulbul, calling Arctic Warbler, 2 singing Rufous-tailed Robin, Taiga Flycatcher, Yellow-breasted Bunting, 2 Chestnut Bunting (CB, ED, MG, & Jan-Erik Nilsén).

11 May 2016

Fujian Niltava, Magic Parking Lot, Nanhui, 11 May 2016. First record for Shanghai. Photo by Kai Pflug.
Fujian Niltava, Magic Parking Lot, Nanhui, 11 May 2016. First record for Shanghai. Photo by Kai Pflug.

Fujian Niltava at Nanhui (KP).

8 May 2016

At Nanhui, 9 Black-faced Spoonbill, 2 Chinese Egret, Curlew Sandpiper, and 19 Eyebrowed Thrush (CB & ED).

7 May 2016

At Nanhui, 4 Black-faced Spoonbill, 3 Chinese Egret, 6 Curlew Sandpiper, 2 Black-capped Kingfisher, ca. 500 Sand Martin, Sakhalin Warbler, 2 Marsh Grassbird, and 2 Siberian Rubythroat (CB, ED, & MG).

On Lesser Yangshan Island, White-shouldered Starling & 2 Siberian Blue Robin (CB, ED, & MG).

6 May 2016

Chestnut Bulbul, Nanhui, 6 May 2016. Common in lowland forests in southeast China, Hemixos castanonotus is a rare vagrant to Shanghai. Photo by Kai Pflug.
Chestnut Bulbul, Nanhui, 6 May 2016. Common in lowland forests in southeast China, Hemixos castanonotus is a rare vagrant to Shanghai. Photo by Kai Pflug.

At Nanhui, 2 Red Turtle Dove, Black-capped Kingfisher, Hair-crested Drongo, Chestnut Bulbul, Siberian Rubythroat, and Pechora Pipit (KP).

5 May 2016

8 Ashy Minivet, singing Sakhalin Leaf Warbler, and singing Pale-legged Leaf Warbler at Zhongshan Park (CB).

Song Fragments of Sakhalin Leaf Warbler at Zhongshan Park, Shanghai, 5 May 2016 (00:36; 2.2 MB)

Trill of Pale-legged Leaf Warbler at Zhongshan Park, Shanghai, 5 May 2016 (00:03; 922 KB)

4 May 2016

Amur Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone incei at Nanhui (Fàn Jūn ([范钧]).

3 May 2016

White-shouldered Starling Sturnia sinensis, Nanhui, 3 May 2016. Photo by Kai Pflug.
White-shouldered Starling Sturnia sinensis, Nanhui, 3 May 2016. Photo by Kai Pflug.

Chinese Egret on Lesser Yangshan Island (KP). White-shouldered Starling at Nanhui (KP).

1 May 2016

Yellow Bunting Emberiza sulphurata, Nanhui, 1 May 2016. Rare passage migrant Chinese coast. Breeds Japan, winters Philippines. Listed as Vulnerable by IUCN.
(Japanese) Yellow Bunting Emberiza sulphurata, Nanhui, 1 May 2016. Rare passage migrant on Chinese coast. Breeds Japan, winters Philippines. Listed as Vulnerable by IUCN. Photo by Craig Brelsford.

At Nanhui, Far Eastern Curlew, 4 Curlew Sandpiper, Large Hawk-Cuckoo, 7 Reed Parrotbill, 6 Brown-headed Thrush, 3 Siberian Blue Robin, Rufous-tailed Robin, 26 Pechora Pipit (6 singing), 2 Yellow-breasted Bunting, Yellow Bunting (CB, ED, & MG).

30 April 2016

On Lesser Yangshan, Purple Heron, Pacific Golden Plover, Greater Sand Plover, Pheasant-tailed Jacana, Black-tailed Godwit, 18 Grey-tailed Tattler, 2 Broad-billed Sandpiper, Black Drongo, season’s first Grey-streaked Flycatcher, 2 singing Rufous-tailed Robin, and Taiga Flycatcher (CB, ED, & MG). At Nanhui, 3 Chinese Egret, Chinese Sparrowhawk, Far Eastern Curlew, 2 Reed Parrotbill, Japanese Thrush, 2 Brown-headed Thrush, Siberian Blue Robin, and 2 Pechora Pipit (CB, ED, & MG).

24 April 2016

Brown-headed Thrush, Nanhui, Shanghai, 24 April 2016.
Brown-headed Thrush, Nanhui, 24 April 2016. Craig Brelsford.

At Nanhui, 17 Black-faced Spoonbill, Asian Dowitcher, 10 Whimbrel, 2 Far Eastern Curlew, Great Knot, 2 Red Knot, Curlew Sandpiper, 3 Eurasian Wryneck, 2 Sand Martin, 3 singing Marsh Grassbird, 2 Japanese Thrush, Eyebrowed Thrush, 4 Brown-headed Thrush, 2 Siberian Blue Robin, 3 Siberian Rubythroat, macronyx Eastern Yellow Wagtail, 2 Pechora Pipit (CB, ED, & Jan-Erik Nilsén).

23 April 2016

At Nanhui, 3 Black-faced Spoonbill, Brown Crake, 4 Greater Sand Plover, 7 Whimbrel, 2 Ruddy Turnstone, Sand Martin, 2 singing Marsh Grassbird, & Citrine Wagtail (CB, ED, Jan-Erik Nilsén, & MG).

22 April 2016

Indian Cuckoo at Century Park (CB, ED, & Jan-Erik Nilsén).

17 April 2016

On Lesser Yangshan Island, Purple Heron, 2 Chinese Egret, 2 Little Curlew, & 3 singing Pale-legged Leaf Warbler (CB, ED, MG, SP, & XP). At Nanhui, Curlew Sandpiper, Swinhoe’s Minivet, Rufous-faced Warbler, and 10 singing Marsh Grassbird (CB, ED, MG, SP, & XP).

14 April 2016

2 Eurasian Woodcock at Century Park (CB & ED).

11 April 2016

2 Spoon-billed Sandpiper and Ruff on Hengsha (ED via shwbs.org).

10 April 2016

Pacific Swift Apus pacificus, Nanhui, 10 April 2016.
Pacific Swift Apus pacificus, Nanhui, 10 April 2016. Craig Brelsford.

On Lesser Yangshan, Green Sandpiper, Oriental Pratincole, singing Rufous-faced Warbler, and season’s first flycatcher, Asian Brown Flycatcher (CB, ED, & MG). At Nanhui, 10 Black-faced Spoonbill, 2 Purple Heron, Brown Crake, 14 Greater Sand Plover, Pin-tailed/Swinhoe’s Snipe, 3 Black-tailed Godwit, Green Sandpiper, Broad-billed Sandpiper, 15 Pacific Swift, 30 singing Marsh Grassbird, 18 Reed Parrotbill, Japanese Thrush, Bluethroat, and 3 Citrine Wagtail (CB, ED, & MG).

9 April 2016

Long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus, 9 April 2016, Chongming, Shanghai. Fàn Jūn (范钧).
Long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus, 9 April 2016, Chongming, Shanghai. Fàn Jūn (范钧).

On Chongming, 3 Long-billed Dowitcher in breeding plumage (Fàn Jūn [范钧]).

On Hengsha Island, 10 Garganey, 13 Black-faced Spoonbill, 3 Oriental Plover, Pin-tailed/Swinhoe’s Snipe, Eurasian Wryneck, and first record this season of Oriental Reed Warbler (CB & ED). On Chongming, 2 Long-billed Dowitcher, 3 Asian Dowitcher, 10 Ruff, 40 Black-faced Spoonbill (ED via shwbs.org).

7 April 2016

Singing White’s Thrush at Century Park (CB & ED).

4 April 2016

19 Great Knot fly over the mudflats near Nanhuizui in Nanhui, Shanghai, 4 April 2016.
19 Great Knot fly over the mudflats near Nanhuizui in Nanhui, 4 April 2016. Craig Brelsford.

At Nanhui, 2 booming Eurasian Bittern, Purple Heron, Pin-tailed/Swinhoe’s Snipe, 2 Bar-tailed Godwit, 3 endangered Far Eastern Curlew, 212 endangered Great Knot, 10 Saunders’s Gull (rarely seen in Shanghai), 10 Pacific Swift, Merlin, Asian House Martin, 18 Reed Parrotbill, 2 endangered Yellow-breasted Bunting (CB, ED, & MG).

3 April 2016

On Chongming, 2 Greater Scaup, Black-necked Grebe, Water/Brown-cheeked Rail, Bull-headed Shrike, nesting pair of Oriental Skylark, 2 Reed Parrotbill, Brown-headed Thrush, Bluethroat (CB & ED).

26 March 2016

At Nanhui, 180 Falcated Duck, 8 Garganey, 4 Black-necked Grebe (3 in nearly complete breeding plumage), 8 Eurasian Spoonbill, 4 Barn Swallow, 27 Reed Parrotbill, Naumann’s Thrush (CB & ED).

20 March 2016

At Dongtai, 45 Common Shelduck, 8 Greater Scaup, 34 Eurasian Oystercatcher, 160 Eurasian Curlew, endangered Far Eastern Curlew, early Bull-headed Shrike; at Yangkou, early Black Drongo (CB, ED, & KP).

19 March 2016

At Dongtai, 64 Common Shelduck, Common Merganser, Black-winged Kite, 45 Eurasian Oystercatcher, dowitcher sp., early Bar-tailed Godwit, 255 Eurasian Curlew, Far Eastern Curlew, 2 Black-tailed Gull, Merlin, Chinese Grey Shrike, early Barn Swallow (CB, ED, & KP).

18 March 2016

At Chongming, Common Goldeneye, 4 Garganey, 3 Horned Grebe, 3 Black-necked Grebe, 90 cranes (too far to determine how many were Hooded Crane and how many Common Crane) (CB, ED, & KP).

15 March 2016

Red-throated Thrush at Century Park (CB & ED).

12 March 2016

7 Greater Scaup, breeding-plumage Black-necked Grebe, and early Barn Swallow at Nanhui (CB, ED, & MG).

11 March 2016

2 Collared Finchbill at Shanghai Botanical Garden (CB & ED).

1 March 2016

Indochinese Yuhina, Yangpu Park, Shanghai, 1 March 2016. © 2016 by Stephan Popp &amp; Xueping Popp.
Indochinese Yuhina, Yangpu Park, Shanghai, 1 March 2016. © 2016 by Stephan Popp & Xueping Popp.

2 Indochinese Yuhina at Yangpu Park, Shanghai (XP).

15 February 2016

Red-breasted Flycatcher, Jiangqiao, Shanghai, 15 Feb. 2016. Photo by Kai Pflug.
Red-breasted Flycatcher, Jiangqiao, Jiading District, Shanghai, 15 Feb. 2016. Photo by Kai Pflug.

Red-breasted Flycatcher at Jiangqiao, Jiading, Shanghai (KP).

8 February 2016

At Nanhui, 300 Common Pochard, 148 Eurasian Spoonbill, 2 Black-necked Grebe, Pied Harrier, 4 Water/Brown-cheeked Rail, 240 Kentish Plover, 900 Dunlin in single flock, 6 Reed Parrotbill (CB, ED, & KP).

5 February 2016

Horned Grebe, 1 of 3 seen on Dishui Lake, Shanghai, 5 Feb. 2016. Small numbers of this species have been noted on Dishui Lake since December 2015. Also known as Slavonian Grebe, Podiceps auritus is a rare winter visitor to the Shanghai region. Photo by Kai Pflug.
Horned Grebe, 1 of 3 seen on Dishui Lake, Nanhui, 5 Feb. 2016. Small numbers of this species have been noted on Dishui Lake since December 2015. Also known as Slavonian Grebe, Podiceps auritus is a rare winter visitor to the Shanghai region. Photo by Kai Pflug.

At Nanhui, 185 Eurasian Wigeon, 2 Greater Scaup, 3 Horned Grebe, 2 Black-necked Grebe, 143 Eurasian Spoonbill, Black-faced Spoonbill, 9 Reed Parrotbill, and Naumann’s Thrush (CB, ED, & KP).

31 January 2016

Lapland Longspur, Chongming.
Lapland Longspur, Chongming. Photo by Craig Brelsford.

At Hengsha, 3 Eastern Yellow Wagtail (2 taivana, 1 tschutschensis). At Chongming, 2 Cinereous Vulture, 65 Hooded Crane, 21 Common Crane, and 6 Lapland Longspur (CB & ED).

30 January 2016

At Nanhui, 350 Northern Pintail, 8 Greater Scaup, Common Goldeneye, Red-throated Loon, 3 Horned Grebe, 50 kamtschatschensis Mew Gull, 3 taivana Eastern Yellow Wagtail, and Red-throated Pipit (CB & ED).

24 January 2016

At Nanhui, 3 Red-throated Loon, 2 Horned Grebe, unusual winter record of Wood Sandpiper, 6 Red-throated Pipit, unusually high (ca. 200) count of Buff-bellied Pipit, and Water Pipit (CB, ED, & MG).

23 January 2016

At Chongming, 2 Cinereous Vulture, Red-throated Thrush, Eastern Yellow Wagtail (taivana), 2 Red-throated Pipit, and Water Pipit (CB & ED).

16 January 2016

At Nanhui, Brown-cheeked Rail, Common Goldeneye, 6 Greater Scaup, 4 Black-necked Grebe, and unusual winter record of Eastern Yellow Wagtail (tschutschensis) (CB & ED).

10 January 2016

At Dongtai, Mute Swan, 14 Greater Scaup, 3 Smew, 5 Red-breasted Merganser, 610 Grey Plover, & 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull (CB, ED, MG, SP, & XP). At Yangkou, 2 Chinese Pond Heron, Brown-cheeked Rail (CB, ED, MG, SP, & XP).

9 January 2016

At Yancheng, 16 Smew, 1250 Common Merganser, 2 Oriental Stork, 9 Red-crowned Crane, 10 Hooded Crane, 250 Common Crane, 2 Black-winged Kite, Lesser Black-backed Gull, and 8 Reed Parrotbill (CB, ED, MG, SP, & XP). At Dongtai, Mute Swan, Smew, 6 Red-breasted Merganser, Black-winged Kite, 80 Saunders’s Gull (CB, ED, MG, SP, & XP).

26 December 2015

At Nanhui, White-bellied Green Pigeon, 3 Greater Scaup, 440 Tufted Duck, 5 Black-necked Grebe, 470 Kentish Plover, and Reed Parrotbill (CB, ED, SP, & XP). Brown-eared Bulbul on Lesser Yangshan (CB, ED, SP, & XP).

19 December 2015

Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus, Nanhui, Shanghai, 19 Dec. 2015. © 2015 by Stephan Popp &amp; Xueping Popp.
Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus, Nanhui, 19 Dec. 2015. © 2015 by Stephan Popp & Xueping Popp.

2 Dalmatian Pelican and 2 Black-faced Spoonbill at Nanhui (SP).

12 December 2015

At Nanhui, 24 Swan Goose and Oriental Stork (Hé Xīn [何鑫]); 10 Greater Scaup, 600 Common Shelduck, 170 Tundra Swan, Red-breasted Merganser, Common Goldeneye, Horned Grebe, Black-necked Grebe, ca. 70 late Barn Swallow, 3 Scaly-breasted Munia, 2 taivana Eastern Yellow Wagtail, 20 Rustic Bunting, and Yellow-browed Bunting, (CB, ED, MG, SP, & XP). Brown-eared Bulbul on Lesser Yangshan (CB, ED, MG, SP, & XP).

6 December 2015

At Nanhui, 3 Horned Grebe, 13 Black-necked Grebe, 50 late Barn Swallow, late Sand Martin, Japanese Thrush, 25 taivana Eastern Yellow Wagtail, and 5 Rustic Bunting (CB, ED).

5 December 2015

Jack Snipe, Merlin, Chinese Grey Shrike, and Reed Parrotbill on Hengsha (CB, ED, MG).

29 November 2015

20 Common Shelduck, 40 Mandarin Duck, 2 Black-necked Grebe, Merlin, Hair-crested Drongo, Chinese Grey Shrike, and Verditer Flycatcher on Hengsha (CB, ED).

28 November 2015

Lesser Coucal and 2 Red-throated Thrush on Lesser Yangshan. 7 Common Shelduck, 6 Mandarin Duck, 10 Greater Scaup, 15 Black-necked Grebe, 800 Kentish Plover, Merlin, and ca. 100 late Barn Swallow at Nanhui (CB, ED, MG).

22 November 2015

Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva, Nanhui, 22 Nov. 2015. These photos allow one to judge on plumage alone that this bird is a 1st-win. F. parva. Note the subtly warmer, buffier underparts of this bird as compared to the colder, greyer underparts of Taiga Flycatcher F. albicilla. © 2015 by Stephan Popp &amp; Xueping Popp.
Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva, Nanhui, 22 Nov. 2015. Note brownish uppertail coverts (on Taiga Flycatcher F. albicilla coverts would be blacker than tail). © 2015 by Stephan Popp & Xueping Popp.

Red-breasted Flycatcher, Verditer Flycatcher, and Ashy Minivet at Nanhui (MG, SP, XP).

21 November 2015

4 Koklass Pheasant at West Tianmu Mountain (CB, ED).

18 November 2015

Hawfinch at Zhongshan Park (CB, ED).

15 November 2015

23 Hooded Crane, 2 Scaly-breasted Munia, and Chinese Grey Shrike on Chongming. Brown-cheeked Rail and Black-winged Kite at Yangkou (CB, ED).

14 November 2015

80 Dalmatian Pelican, 25 Falcated Duck at Dongtai (CB, ED, MG, SP, & XP).

12 November 2015

Hair-crested Drongo on Sijiao Island (CB, ED).

11 November 2015

Yellow-bellied Tit on Lesser Yangshan. Rook on Sijiao Island (CB, ED).

9 November 2015

Japanese Robin at Nanhui (XP via trusted contact).

7 November 2015

Black-faced Spoonbill, Dalmatian Pelican, Rook, Reed Parrotbill, Japanese Thrush, and Siberian Rubythroat at Nanhui (CB, ED, MG, SP, & XP). Yellow Bunting at Nanhui (ED via shwbs.org).

6 November 2015

Hawfinch at Binjiang Forest Park (CB, ED).

1 November 2015

13 Hooded Crane, 4 Common Crane, Black-winged Kite, Chinese Grey Shrike, and Siberian Rubythroat on Chongming (CB, ED).

31 October 2015

Long-eared Owl Asio otus appeared at Nanhui, Shanghai, on 31 Oct. 2015.
Long-eared Owl Asio otus appeared at Nanhui on 31 Oct. 2015. Craig Brelsford.

At Nanhui, Greater Scaup, 62 Black-faced Spoonbill, Dalmatian Pelican, Jack Snipe, Japanese Scops Owl, Long-eared Owl, Hair-crested Drongo, and Yellow-breasted Bunting (CB, ED, MG, SP, & XP).

28 October 2015

Japanese Thrush at Nanhui (KP).

25 October 2015

Common Starling is well-known to birders in Europe and North America, and it is common in parts of western China, but in eastern China it is supposedly only a vagrant. It is often seen associating with White-cheeked Starling.
Common Starling is well-known to birders in Europe and North America, and it is common in parts of western China, but in eastern China it is supposedly only a vagrant. It is often seen associating with White-cheeked Starling. Craig Brelsford.

Black-faced Spoonbill and 2 Common Starling on Hengsha. Also Chinese Grey Shrike and Red-throated Thrush (CB, ED).

24 October 2015

3 Northern Boobook, Eurasian Wryneck, Hair-crested Drongo, and Hawfinch on Lesser Yangshan. Eurasian Woodcock, Brown-headed Thrush, and Red-throated Thrush at Nanhui (CB, ED, MG, SP, & XP).

Hair-crested Drongo (发冠卷尾, fàguān juǎnwěi, Dicrurus hottentottus)
Hair-crested Drongo Dicrurus hottentottus. Photo by Craig Brelsford.

23 October 2015

Japanese Grosbeak at Century Park (CB, ED).

20 October 2015

Northern Goshawk at Gongqing Forest Park (CB, ED).

17 October 2015

Japanese Grosbeak Eophona personata is larger than Chinese Grosbeak E. migratoria, has a simpler wing coloration (all-black primaries with large white patch in middle) and a less extensive black cap, and lacks black tip to bill.
Japanese Grosbeak Eophona personata is larger than Chinese Grosbeak E. migratoria, has simpler wing coloration (all-black primaries with large white patch in middle) and a less extensive black cap, and lacks black tip to bill. Craig Brelsford.

Grey Nightjar and Japanese Grosbeak on Lesser Yangshan. Japanese Thrush at Nanhui (CB, ED, MG, SP, & XP).

28 September 2015

Green-backed Flycatcher, Dongtai, 28 Sept. 2015.
Green-backed Flycatcher, Dongtai, 28 Sept. 2015. Craig Brelsford.

718 Nordmann’s Greenshank at Dongtai. Also Black-necked Grebe, Black-winged Kite, 2 Dalmatian Pelican, Grey Nightjar, Eurasian Woodcock, Rufous Hawk-Cuckoo, Chinese Thrush , and Green-backed Flycatcher (CB, ED, & MG).

27 September 2015

3 Spoon-billed Sandpiper at Yangkou. Also Northern Boobook, Oriental Scops Owl, and Ashy Drongo (CB, ED, & MG).

26 September 2015

Yellow-breasted Bunting on Lesser Yangshan and 200 Oriental Pratincole at Nanhui (CB, ED, MG, SP, & XP).

19 September 2015

Chestnut-cheeked Starling on Lesser Yangshan; Long-billed Dowitcher and Grey-tailed Tattler at Nanhui (CB, ED, MG, SP, & XP).

18 September 2015

Himalayan Swiftlet (短嘴金丝燕, duǎnzuǐ jīnsīyàn, Aerodramus brevirostris)
Himalayan Swiftlet Aerodramus brevirostris. Craig Brelsford.

Himalayan Swiftlet and Black-winged Cuckooshrike at Yangkou (CB, ED, & KP).

17 September 2015

290 Nordmann’s Greenshank at Dongtai and Chinese Grey Shrike on Chongming (CB, ED, & KP).

13 September 2015

2 Black-winged Kite, 2 Himalayan Swiftlet, and Black-winged Cuckooshrike at Yangkou (CB, ED, MG).

12 September 2015

4 Oriental Pratincole and 15 Reed Parrotbill on Chongming. At Dongtai, Black-winged Kite, Grey-tailed Tattler, 17 Great Knot, 18 Red Knot, 2 Black-headed Gull, and 150 Saunders’s Gull (CB, ED, MG).

11 September 2015

Oriental Dollarbird, Eurasian Wryneck, and 5 Japanese Paradise Flycatcher on Lesser Yangshan (CB, ED).

26 April 2015

15 Black-faced Spoonbill on Hengsha (CB, ED).

25 April 2015

Pechora Pipit, Nanhui, 25 April 2015. © 2015 by Stephan Popp &amp; Xueping Popp.
Pechora Pipit, Nanhui, 25 April 2015. © 2015 by Stephan Popp & Xueping Popp.

Pechora Pipit at Nanhui (SP, XP).

24 April 2015

Long-billed Dowitcher on Rural Road 204 S of Yangkou and Yellow-breasted Bunting in Yangkou (CB, ED).

23 April 2015

Black-faced Spoonbill, Northern Boobook, and 15 Curlew Sandpiper at Yangkou (CB, ED).

19 April 2015

17 Black-faced Spoonbill, Chestnut Bunting, Black-collared Starling, and Common Rosefinch at Nanhui (CB, ED).

18 April 2015

Black Redstart ranges from Western Europe to central China and is a rare visitor to the Chinese coast. This bird was vigorously fly-catching and appeared in excellent condition.
Black Redstart, Hengsha Island, 18 April 2015. Phoenicurus ochruros ranges from Western Europe to central China and is a rare visitor to the Chinese coast. Craig Brelsford.

Black Redstart
, 26 Black-faced Spoonbill, Great Knot, Green Sandpiper, Chinese Grey Shrike, and Citrine Wagtail on Hengsha (CB, ED).

17 April 2015

Asian Dowitcher, Nanhui, 17 April 2015. Limnodromus semipalmatus is listed as Near Threatened by IUCN. © 2015 by Stephan Popp &amp; Xueping Popp.
Asian Dowitcher, Nanhui, 17 April 2015. Limnodromus semipalmatus is listed as Near Threatened by IUCN. © 2015 by Stephan Popp & Xueping Popp.

Asian Dowitcher
at Nanhui (SP, XP).

16 April 2015

Yellow Bunting and Brown-headed Thrush on Lesser Yangshan. Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher and Swinhoe’s Minivet at Nanhui (CB).

12 April 2015

Brown-eared Bulbul ssp. amaurotis at Yangkou (CB, ED).

9 April 2015

Siberian Blue Robin on Lesser Yangshan. 24 Black-faced Spoonbill, Tufted Duck, 2 Mandarin Duck, and 3 Brown-headed Thrush at Nanhui (CB, ED).

4 April 2015

Mandarin Duck at Century Park (CB, ED).

29 March 2015

Japanese Reed Bunting on Chongming (CB, ED).

23 March 2015

Japanese Waxwing (red-tipped tail) and Bohemian Waxwing (yellow-tipped tail), Chongming Island.
Japanese Waxwing (red-tipped tail) and Bohemian Waxwing (yellow-tipped tail), Chongming Island. Photo © 2015 by Stephan Popp & Xueping Popp.

On Chongming, flock of 10 waxwings (including Japanese Waxwing and Bohemian Waxwing) (SP, XP).

2 January 2015

2 Brown-eared Bulbul ssp. amaurotis on Lesser Yangshan (CB, ED).

27 December 2014

Pallas's Reed Bunting Emberiza pallasi lydiae, Chongming Island, Shanghai, 27 Dec. 2014. Much mystery surrounds the winter distribution of this poorly known subspecies. © 2014 by Stephan Popp &amp; Xueping Popp.
Pallas’s Reed Bunting Emberiza pallasi lydiae, Chongming Island, Shanghai, 27 Dec. 2014. Much mystery surrounds the winter distribution of this poorly known subspecies. © 2014 by Stephan Popp & Xueping Popp.

Pallas’s Reed Bunting ssp. lydiae on Chongming (SP, XP).

25 December 2014

Pallas’s Gull and Water Rail at Yancheng (CB, ED).

14 December 2014

2 Brown-eared Bulbul ssp. amaurotis on Lesser Yangshan. 7 Oriental Stork and 21 Black-faced Spoonbill at Nanhui (CB, ED).

2 November 2014

Black-naped Monarch at Nanhui (SP, XP).

11 December 2014

Brown-eared Bulbul Hypsipetes amaurotis amaurotis on Chongming (CB, ED).

2 November 2014

Black-naped Monarch, 1 of 2 seen at Nanhui on 2 Nov. 2014. © 2016 by Stephan Popp & Xueping Popp.
Black-naped Monarch, 1 of 2 seen at Nanhui on 2 Nov. 2014. © 2014 by Stephan Popp & Xueping Popp.

2 Black-naped Monarch at Nanhui (SP, XP).

21 September 2014

Northern Wheatear on Lesser Yangshan (CB, ED).

6 September 2014

Chinese Leaf Warbler at Nanhui (SP, XP).

23 August 2014

Xueping Popp photographed this Chinese Leaf Warbler at Nanhui. It was the first record ever in Shanghai of Phylloscopus yunnanensis. Photos © 2014 by Stephan Popp and Xueping Popp.
Xueping Popp photographed this Chinese Leaf Warbler at Nanhui. It was the first record ever in Shanghai of Phylloscopus yunnanensis. Photos © 2014 by Stephan Popp and Xueping Popp.

Chinese Leaf Warbler at Nanhui (SP, XP). First record for Shanghai!

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