Chinese Fulvetta Fulvetta striaticollis is endemic to China, ranging from Gansu through western Sichuan and southern Qinghai to eastern Tibet and northwest Yunnan. HABITAT Mountainside forests and thickets, from 2200–4300 m (7,220–14,110 ft.). ID & COMPARISON Brown above, wings more rufous, with whitish panel on primaries; whitish below. Dark streaks on head, throat and upper breast. Black lores and narrow eyestripe behind eye. Lateral stripe at rear crown, typical of several fulvetta species, is indistinct in Chinese Fulvetta. Juvenile darker above, duller below. Spectacled Fulvetta F. ruficapilla has less streaking, a pale supercilium, white eye-ring, dark irides, grey lores, rufous crown (nominate), grey mantle, and rufous belly. Manipur Fulvetta F. manipurensis has mostly grey head and breast, grey lores, and distinct lateral crown stripe. Taiwan Fulvetta F. formosana has rufous-brown belly, brown streaking on throat unstreaked crown, and white eye-ring. BARE PARTS Eye white; bill horn; feet pink. VOICE Clear, sharp whistles.
Daniel Bengtsson served as chief ornithological consultant for Craig Brelsford’s Photographic Field Guide to the Birds of China, from which this species description is drawn.