Common Nightingale

Common Nightingale
In Xinjiang at the poplar oasis Hongyanglin (46.120654, 85.654598), elev. 310 m (1,020 ft.), we thrilled to the song of Common Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos golzii. The nightingale sang only intermittently, probably because it was late July. Listen to sound-recording below. I have also noted Common Nightingale at Hualin Park (47.865992, 88.11978) in Altai City, Xinjiang. (Craig Brelsford)


Common Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos golzii, snatches of song, Hongyanglin (46.120654, 85.654598), Xinjiang, elev. 310 m (1,020 ft.), by Craig Brelsford (0:08; 1.6 MB)

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