Eurasian Bullfinch

Eurasian Bullfinch
Eurasian Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula cassinii, male. Eurasian Bullfinch ranges across northern temperate Eurasia. Race cassinii breeds Russian Far East. Winters Russian Far East and Northeast China. Male has bright pink underparts. Wuerqihan (49.651972, 121.615111), Inner Mongolia, China, elev. 750 m (2,450 ft.), January. (Craig Brelsford)
Eurasian Bullfinch
Eurasian Bullfinch P. p.cineracea lacks pink in plumage. Male dark grey above, lighter grey below. Breeds Kazakstan and Xinjiang to Mongolia, Russian Far East, and Heilongjiang (Lesser Khingan Mountains). In winter moves south within breeding range. Wuerqihan (49.651972, 121.615111), Inner Mongolia, elev. 750 m (2,450 ft.), January. (Craig Brelsford)
Eurasian Bullfinch
Female cineracea tinged grey-brown below. Wuerqihan (49.651972, 121.615111), Inner Mongolia, elev. 750 m (2,450 ft.), January. (Craig Brelsford)


Brazil, Mark. Birds of East Asia. Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2009.

MacKinnon, John. Guide to the Birds of China. Oxford University Press, 2022.

Collar, N.J., I. Newton, and P. Clement. Family Fringillidae (Finches). Pp. 458, 500, and 609–10 in: del Hoyo, J., A. Elliot, and D. A. Christie, eds. Handbook of the Birds of the World. Vol. 15. Weavers to New World Warblers. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, Spain, 2010.

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