Golden-breasted Fulvetta Lioparus chrysotis swinhoii, Xining (28.562095, 103.605470), Sichuan, China, elev. 1570 m (5,160 ft.), May. Golden-breasted Fulvetta is a small parrotbill-like songbird. Has diagnostic combination of orange-yellow underparts and blackish-grey upperparts with silvery ear coverts. In China, swinhoii is uncommon resident Gansu and Shaanxi (Qin Mountains) to Guangxi and Guangdong, nominate southeast Tibet, amoenus southeast Yunnan, and forresti western Yunnan. All races have striking orange-yellow wing panels and sides to tail. Coronal stripe white in swinhoii, amoenus, and forresti, faint or absent in nominate. Golden-breasted Fulvetta prefers dense undergrowth in temperate forests at elevations of 950–2600 m (3,120–8,530 ft.). Often in mixed feeding flocks with parrotbills and White-browed Fulvetta. (Craig Brelsford)
Collar, N. J., and C. Robson. Family Timaliidae (Babblers). Pp. 137–8 in: del Hoyo, J., A. Elliot, and D. Christie, eds. Handbook of the Birds of the World. Vol. 12. Picathartes to Tits and Chickadees. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, Spain, 2007.