Grey Bush Chat

Grey Bush Chat
Grey Bush Chat Saxicola ferreus haringtoni, male, Emeifeng (27.006410, 117.073772), Fujian, China, elev. 1510 m (4,960 ft.), April. (Craig Brelsford)
Grey Bush Chat
Male ferreus, Ruili, Yunnan, China, February. (Craig Brelsford)
Grey Bush Chat
Female ferreus, Ruili, Yunnan, February. (Craig Brelsford)
female chats
Female Saxicola chats. L–R: Pied Bush Chat S. caprata burmanicus, Grey Bush Chat S. ferreus ferreus, and Przevalski’s Stonechat S. maurus przewalskii. L: Ruili, Yunnan, February. C: Laifengshan National Forest Park (25.011810, 98.480247) Tengchong, Yunnan, elev. 1800 m (5,890 ft.), January. R: Nabang (24.730322, 97.558462), Yunnan, elev. 210 m (680 ft.), January. (Craig Brelsford)

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