Manipur Fulvetta Fulvetta manipurensis ranges northeast India to northern Vietnam. In China manipurensis western Yunnan and tonkinensis southeast Yunnan. HABITAT & BEHAVIOR Forages noisily and actively in undergrowth in broadleaf and coniferous forests and bamboo thickets. Feeds primarily on insects. Usually in small flocks. ID & COMPARISON Mantle, breast, and head grey (forecrown usually brown), with black lateral crown stripes. Throat whitish, with faint streaks. Wings rufous with whitish wing panel on black primaries; rump and belly rufous-brown; tail brown. Grey-hooded Fulvetta F. cinereiceps lacks distinct lateral crown stripe. Spectacled Fulvetta F. ruficapilla has dark irides and rufous-brown crown. Chinese Fulvetta F. striaticollis is browner and streaked, is whitish below, and has black lores. BARE PARTS Irides pale, bill black; feet pinkish-brown. VOICE Busy chattering and clearly enunciated, squeaky whistles.
Daniel Bengtsson served as chief ornithological consultant for Craig Brelsford’s Photographic Field Guide to the Birds of China, from which this species description is drawn.