Plain Flowerpecker Dicaeum minullum ranges India to Greater Sundas, with olivaceum southeast Tibet to Sichuan and Guangdong and minullum Hainan. Also uchidai Taiwan. HABITAT & BEHAVIOR Low-elevation hill forests. Stays high in trees feeding in clumps of mistletoe. Also takes nectar and insects. ID Upperparts olive-brown from crown to very short tail; pale head sides and lores. Underparts greyish-white but center of belly creamy. BARE PARTS Slender, slightly decurved bill black, pink in young. Feet black. VOICE Call a series of short, clear whistles and brief squeaks. Song thinner, more fluid. — Craig Brelsford
shanghaibirding.com covers every species in the family Dicaeidae in China. Click any link:
Thick-billed Flowerpecker Dicaeum agile
Yellow-vented Flowerpecker D. chrysorrheum
Yellow-bellied Flowerpecker D. melanozanthum
Plain Flowerpecker D. minullum
Fire-breasted Flowerpecker D. ignipectus
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker D. cruentatum
Daniel Bengtsson served as chief ornithological consultant for Craig Brelsford’s Photographic Field Guide to the Birds of China, from which this species description is drawn.