Silver-breasted Broadbill

Silver-breasted Broadbill
Silver-breasted Broadbill Serilophus lunatus elisabethae, male, Skytree Nature Reserve (21.627495, 101.588315), Yunnan, China, elev. 740 m (2,420 ft.), February. (Craig Brelsford)
Silver-breasted Broadbill
Female elisabethae, Skytree Nature Reserve (21.625907, 101.586208), Yunnan, elev. 760 m (2,490 ft.), March. Female Silver-breasted Broadbill has white necklace and is slightly greyer than male. (Craig Brelsford)
Silver-breasted Broadbill
Pair of elisabethae, Skytree Nature Reserve (21.625785, 101.583510), Yunnan, elev. 760 m (2,490 ft.), February. (Craig Brelsford)
Silver-breasted Broadbill
Male elisabethae, Elephant Valley (22.176188, 100.851787), Yunnan, elev. 770 m (2,540 ft.), January. (Craig Brelsford)

Silver-breasted Broadbill Serilophus lunatus elisabethae is uncommon resident southwest and southeast Yunnan and southwest Guangxi; polionotus is endemic to Hainan; and Grey-lored Broadbill S. rubropygius resident southeast Tibet. HABITAT & BEHAVIOR Lowland forests, to 800 m (2,630 ft.). Frequents middle story and sub-canopy in search of insects, the bulk of its diet. Shy. Often in pairs, small groups, and mixed-species flocks. ID & COMPARISON Small and stocky, toy-like, with broad black supercilium on mainly greyish head and yellow wash on lores, greyer on rubropygius. Mantle brown; rump, tertials, and uppertail coverts chestnut. Wings mostly black with blue flash and white tip. Tail black with outer tail feathers white; largely white from beneath. Underparts greyish white. Female slightly greyer; has narrow white necklace. Eye-ring yellow. BARE PARTS Bill light blue, yellow at base; feet yellow. VOICE Piercing, two-note whistle. — Craig Brelsford

THE TYPICAL BROADBILLS OF CHINA covers all species in the family Eurylaimidae in China:

Long-tailed Broadbill Psarisomus dalhousiae
Grey-lored Broadbill Serilophus rubropygius
Silver-breasted Broadbill S. lunatus


Daniel Bengtsson served as chief ornithological consultant for Craig Brelsford’s Photographic Field Guide to the Birds of China, from which this species description is drawn.

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