Black Giant Squirrel Ratufa bicolor, Skytree Nature Reserve (21.627048, 101.587915), Xishuangbanna Prefecture, Yunnan, China, elev. 730 m (2,390 ft.), February. Among the largest of squirrels, Black Giant Squirrel ranges from Nepal to Southeast Asia and Greater Sundas except Borneo. In China occurs from extreme southeast Tibet to Yunnan and the other southern provinces, including Hainan. (Craig Brelsford)Black Giant Squirrel are excellent climbers and rarely descend to the ground, even to drink. This individual is balancing itself on a canopy walkway, searching for dew to lap up. Skytree Nature Reserve (21.627048, 101.587915), Yunnan. (Craig Brelsford)Dangling by its hind feet, a Black Giant Squirrel prepares to pry fruit off a tree at Skytree Nature Reserve (21.627048, 101.587915), Yunnan. (Craig Brelsford)Black Giant Squirrel prefers wild forest and is rarely found alongside man. The species is largely solitary, except in breeding season, when pairs form. (Craig Brelsford)