Daurian Ground Squirrel Spermophilus dauricus, Labudalin Liu Dui (50.180300, 119.830561), Hulunbeier Prefecture, Inner Mongolia, China, elev. 610 m (2,010 ft.), July. Daurian Ground Squirrel inhabits the southern Russian Far East (Transbaikalia), eastern Mongolia, and northeast and northern China. Range in China extends from Hulunbeier Prefecture in northern Inner Mongolia to Heilongjiang and western Jilin and Liaoning south to Henan and Shaanxi. Southwest border of range is Yellow River, where abuts range of Alashan Ground SquirrelS. alashanicus. (Craig Brelsford)Daurian Ground Squirrel, ventral view showing mainly cream-buff coloration with hints of cinnamon-buff, especially on flanks and legs. Short tail has whitish tip. Labudalin Liu Dui (50.180300, 119.830561), Inner Mongolia, July. (Craig Brelsford)Daurian Ground Squirrel, dorsal view showing plain olive-brown coloration from top of head to tail. Labudalin Liu Dui (50.180300, 119.830561), Inner Mongolia, July. (Craig Brelsford)Daurian Ground Squirrel, side view, July. Summer pelage notably shorter and coarser than winter. Labudalin Liu Dui (50.180300, 119.830561), Inner Mongolia. (Craig Brelsford)
Krystufek, Boris & Vohralík, Vladimir (2012). Taxonomic revision of the Palaearctic rodents (Rodentia). Sciuridae: Xerinae 1 (Eutamias and Spermophilus). Available at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326919938_Taxonomic_revision_of_the_Palaearctic_rodents_Rodentia_Sciuridae_Xerinae_1_Eutamias_and_Spermophilus (accessed 23 November 2023).
Lynx Nature Books (2023). All the Mammals of the World. Lynx Nature Books, Barcelona, Spain.
Smith, Andrew T. (2013). Family Sciuridae in Smith, Andrew T. & Yan Xie, eds. Mammals of China. Princeton University Press.