Irene’s Mountain Vole Neodon irene, also known as Chinese Scrub Vole, near Bayan Har Pass (34.116718, 97.638060), Qinghai, China, elev. 4850 m (15,910 ft.), August. A China endemic, Irene’s Mountain Vole ranges from southern Gansu and eastern Qinghai to western Sichuan, eastern Tibet, and northwest Yunnan. Irene’s Mountain Vole is a high-altitude specialist, inhabiting alpine meadows and mountainsides. It is bicolored, with dark brown dorsal pelage and grey ventral pelage. (Craig Brelsford)Irene’s Mountain Vole, detail on head, near Bayan Har Pass (34.116718, 97.638060), Qinghai. (Craig Brelsford)