Rare Photos of Crested Goshawk Mating in Shanghai’s Zhongshan Park

by Craig Brelsford
Founder, shanghaibirding.com

Crested Goshawk Accipiter trivirgatus has attempted to breed in inner-city Shanghai. The photos below show a pair mating at Zhongshan Park. Birder Wāng Jìn Róng (汪进荣), the best chronicler of Crested Goshawk in Shanghai, captured the moment.

Lying 5 km (3.1 mi.) west of People’s Square, Zhongshan Park (31.223705, 121.415994) is a spot of green surrounded by miles of cold grey city. The park is more than a hundred years old. Many of the trees there are giants, as in the old-growth forests to which Crested Goshawk is adapted. The environment is far from classic Crested Goshawk habitat, but apparently it is reminiscent enough to allow the species to gain a foothold.

Crested Goshawk Mating
Crested Goshawk Accipiter trivirgatus indicus mating in Shanghai’s Zhongshan Park, April. (Wāng Jìn Róng [汪进荣])
Crested Goshawk Mating
Wāng Jìn Róng (汪进荣)
Crested Goshawk Mating
Wāng Jìn Róng (汪进荣)
Crested Goshawk Mating
Wāng Jìn Róng (汪进荣)
Crested Goshawk Mating
Wāng Jìn Róng (汪进荣)
Crested Goshawk Mating
Wāng Jìn Róng (汪进荣)
Crested Goshawk Mating
Wāng Jìn Róng (汪进荣)
Crested Goshawk Mating
Wāng Jìn Róng (汪进荣)


View my earlier posts on Crested Goshawk:

Crested Goshawk Crested Goshawk Invades Shanghai: Crested Goshawk Accipiter trivirgatus indicus has sunk its talons into Shanghai. Records of Crested Goshawk have come from all four seasons and at various locations throughout the city, among them Zhongshan Park and Century Park. The species is only rarely noted in the less forested coastal areas of the city-province, for example Cape Nanhui.

Crested GoshawkCrested Goshawk at Shanghai’s Century Park: shanghaibirding.com founder Craig Brelsford explains why the Accipter he saw at Shanghai’s Century Park was Crested Goshawk. The short, broad wings, pinched at the base, were a major clue. Much straighter are the wings of Chinese Sparrowhawk A. soloensis and Japanese Sparrowhawk A. gularis.

See also:

• The shanghaibirding.com Tag Page on Crested Goshawk, with dramatic photos by Wāng Jìn Róng of a Crested Goshawk devouring a Pallas’s Squirrel at Shanghai’s Zhongshan Park

• The shanghaibirding.com Guide to Birding Urban Shanghai

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